Chủ Nhật, 3 tháng 7, 2011

The solution to saving Electricity or Power - ( part 1)

 I. The solution to saving power in the agencies and offices:

Savings in general and energy in particular is the National policy issues, to perform during sex lasting power consumption, not only does the power outage. For the implementation of energy saving in offices, workplaces and effective long-term stability, we must proceed with all the above two solutions: technical solutions and administrative solutions. 

1. Technical solutions: 

We know that the electricity used in offices, the office is not the electric charge in the family activities that serve as electrical work, the work of staff in the agency. Therefore, technical solutions to save energy and ensure efficient energy saving, the environment and ensure effective work of staff in agencies and offices, the following steps: 

a. When conducting the first power saving is to inspect the situation using electrical current throughout the body:

- The situation of the layout of electrical equipment: lights, fans, computers, air conditioners. .. (Rational, wasted by the standards of the work unit).- Situation take advantage of natural light and natural cooling.- The use of electrical equipment (lights, fans, air conditioners, photocopiers, printers, computers, etc. ..) in the agency's staff.- The situation in the entire power grid authorities: no overload the wiring, the wire torn to detect any electrical connections, contact breaker, breaker bad play electric heat loss, instead, to fix. 

b. Assessing the use of electricity through testing and working out technical solutions to save power. 

Ø To expand or open the windows and even glass ceiling (if possible) to maximize natural light. 
Ø Replace all incandescent light bulb (if any) with lights or compact fluorescent tube lights to save electricity.
Ø Replace the neon tube lights on older 40W, 20W lamp neon tube generation 36W, 18W and replaced with ferromagnetic ballasts electronic ballasts to save energy. 
Ø Insert the tray, pan taken at the lack of light to increase light reflection and adjustment of lamps mounted at a height suitable for high light reflectivity. Perform each light a switch closure or opening. 
Ø Perform two modes of light in the room: light walking and light activity work. Use a neon tube lights lit on the wall for daily travel and compact table lamp for each work of staff (only enabled when working) the lighting layout will save a lot of power.
Ø in the computer room air conditioners set to: 
- Strengthen the tightness of the windows
- Installation of automatic doors closed for
- Relocation of air conditioning (if necessary) to the maximum advantage of cool outside air.
- Air conditioning machines are placed only at 25 - 27oC. in the machine room fitted with several air conditioners are switched on each machine set at a temperature of 25 - 27oC, if after 1 / 2 hours in room air to achieve 25 - 27oC out loud. The excess may be removed away. 

Ø 50% brightness of the hallway, bathroom and instead of compact lamp 9W.Ø grids in body
- Replace the cord is overloaded (if any) by wire has a larger cross section
- Replace the old wiring, decay, leakage power by a new wire section with
- Repair of joints, the contact spot at the circuit breaker, to lead and plug overheating were found.Ø meter Treo accessories for every room, the prior measures to save for the consumption of each department prior to and after the adoption of measures to save energy and then to assign monthly power consumption for each department. 

2. Solution administration, management: 

The solution is to build an administrative rules on the use to the agencies and offices, to force the agency staff would be given tasks and responsibilities to save, make sure the power saving routine stable and lasting.The content of the rules include: 

a. Regulation of the regime and the time to use the equipment in agencies such as 

- The electrical equipment in the department when there is no work in the room must be cut off electricity.- The table lamp on the desk is turned on only during working hours (read the written document, typed ...)- Light Corridor, protected only: 
* In summer: Turn off at 5am to 19pm 
* Winter: turn off 6 am to 18h.- Air conditioning is only used in summer and heat set to 25oC-27oC and to cut power when not in office or who work all hours and traffic management HLQT room temperature place (25 - 27oC) this.
- Computers are used only for the agency is done to cut off the power, not used for other individuals (chess, track stocks, securities, etc. ...)
 - Copiers, printers are used only for the work of agencies, not used for personal business. But all the work to be a power cut, not soaking power. 
- May increase or decrease the voltage lower voltage (survolteur) devices for voltage stability as the computer (if any) must be cut out of the network voltage electricity grid has sufficient and stable.
- Prohibition of cooking power in office 
- The fridge is forbidden to use in offices 
- Import quotas on power level monthly power consumption. Winter and summer for each department and all agencies on the basis of saving 10% compared with before and on the basis of the implementation of technical solutions for saving power. 
- The department head is responsible for managing targets monthly power consumption of its departments in secondary power meter hanging in his department and is responsible for this spending. 
- Head (right VP) is responsible for managing the power level indicator on the meter monthly and all agencies responsible for this indicator. 

b. Inspection regime to monitor: 

- Administration Management has the responsibility to regularly check daily to monitor the use of equipment in the processing of time specified in the rules of the agency and inform the agency on the blackboard:
* Each week the violation mode and time of use electrical equipment of the department. 
* Monthly spending on violating energy quotas assigned by the department.
- Unusual or recurring (3 months or 6 months) inspect the collective (including room HLQT + Union + Party) all agencies to review and redress, criticism and review for the payoff Emulation of power saving. The test file must be in writing, reporting and informed leadership to the entire agency said. 

c. The regime of reward and punishment and encourage competition: 

- Always set the example of good deeds in saving electricity. 
- The power-saving initiatives to be effective in office, shall be rewarded in time and apply immediately. 
- The rewards of saving should be based on the observance of the mode used, the electrical equipment in the rules, regulations and norms on power is delivered.

II. The solution to saving power in the area of ​​public service:  (Good? Click here to part 2


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